All Japan Micromouse Contest 2013

The 34th All Japan Micromouse Contest was held at Nagareyama City Lifelong Learning Centre on November 23rd and 24th 2013. This was my fifth visit to this event – arguably the World Championships for the micromouse contest. (more…)

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MCU Car Rally

The line following contest at the annual All Japan Micromouse event is an exciting event. Simple rules, brutal timing constraints and a long, challenging course make for a great competition. While I already knew there were plenty of other robotic contest in Japan, I had not realised there was a whole line following event separate to the one I had seen. (more…)

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Line Follower Sensors Setup

IMG_3258With the sensors installed and the robot pretty well complete, it is time to see if they can actually do the job they were designed for. the idea is that the line of sensors will be able to measure the robots offset from the centre of the line over as wide a range as possible.


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