AVR, Eclipse and the Mac

eclipse_home_header.jpgAVRMacPack works well enough in Xcode but I don’t understand Xcode so I wen looking for an alternative. While trawling through back issues of SERVO magazine, I came across a pair of articles by Dennis Clarke about setting up Eclipse with AVRMacPack and the avr-eclipse plugin. One of my recurring mistakes is the feeling that you can’t have enough development tools so I gave it a go…


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AVRMacPack and Xcode

6D1EDDCC-B888-4629-8116-6E8F9EC6D483.jpgThe AVRmacpack for AVR development on the Apple Mac contains command line tools. These are all well and good if you want to do things the traditional way with text editors, terminal windows and make files. No real problem. However, if you want the benefits of a modern IDE with things like function lists and refactoring, you might want to try Xcode. It is, after all, supplied with your Mac.

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